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Are you ready to learn the ancient art of Tantric massage?


January 20th!

Tantric Massage Training

2-day intensive (12hrs)

All participants must have a video call
or meet Eric in-person before admission.

Spots are limited, get yours TODAY!

Program schedule

9:00 - 12:00 (3hrs)

Morning session


Delicious Lunch Buffet (2hrs)


14:00 - 17:00 (3hrs)

Afternoon session


​Love Temple Beach Resort and Wellness Center, Arambol, Goa, India

Who is This For?

Whether you're new to the world of tantric arts or looking to deepen your existing practice, our training is open to all. We welcome individuals who come with the right intention, ready to explore and expand their horizon in the realm of spiritual and physical connection.

What Will You Gain?

Over two transformative days, you will immerse yourself in 12 hours of comprehensive training. Learn the core principles of tantric massage, master energy and breath work techniques, and understand the nuances of touch and communication. We will guide you in creating a safe, respectful, and consensual environment, empowering you to practice with integrity and depth.


Location & Setting

Join us at the picturesque Love Temple Beach Resort and Wellness Center.

Nestled in the vibrant heart of Arambol, Goa, this haven is the perfect backdrop for your training journey. Embrace the tranquil surroundings as you dive deep into learning and personal growth.


Upon completion, you'll be equipped with the skills to perform a full tantric massage. It lays a solid foundation and enriches your personal skill set, preparing you for further exploration and advanced courses.


Ready to Join?

Enrollment is open now! To register or inquire further, send a WhatsApp message to +62-812-6873-7090 or email us at


Embark on this enriching path and transform the way you connect with yourself and others.

Dive into the depth of tantric wisdom and emerge with newfound knowledge, connection, and a community of like-minded individuals. We look forward to welcoming you to this life-changing experience!


1. Deeper Intimacy: Tantric massage fosters a profound emotional connection and bonding between partners.

2. Sensuality Boost: Tantric massage heightens sensuality and pleasure, enhancing the physical and emotional experience.

3. Self-Acceptance: Tantric massage encourages body awareness and self-acceptance, leading to increased confidence.

4. Spiritual Exploration: Some find spiritual connection and exploration through tantric practices and rituals.

5. Vitality Enhancement: Energy flow in tantric massage can lead to increased vitality and overall well-being.

6. Enhanced Pleasure: Techniques aim to intensify pleasure, potentially leading to more fulfilling sexual experiences.

7. Emotional Healing: The practice provides a safe space for emotional release and healing, contributing to overall well-being.

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  1. What is Tantric Massage Training?
    • Tantric massage training involves learning the techniques and philosophy behind tantric massage, an ancient practice that combines elements of yoga, bioenergetics, and sexual therapy. Training typically includes understanding energy work, breathing techniques, and the principles of touch and consent.
  2. Who Can Attend the Training?
    • Anyone interested in learning about tantric massage can attend, as long as the right intention is there. No prior experience with massage or tantra practices, open to all levels of experience.
  3. What Will I Learn in the Training?
    • Participants will learn about principles of tantric massage, techniques for energy and breath work, methods of touch, communication skills, and how to create a safe and consensual environment. 
  4. How Long is the Training?
    • Two days, comprising of two times 3 hours per day. With a total of 12 hours, in the 2 days.
  5. Where is the Training Located?
    • Love Temple Beach resort and wellness center. In Arambol, Goa, India.
  6. Is There Certification Involved?
    • While you will leave the training with the knowledge on how to give a tantric massage from start to finish, this training does not make you a professional to be able to offer paid sessions to clients.
  7. What are the Costs and Payment Options?
    • Costs are ₹ 14,000 (168usd) until Jan 14, and ₹ 14,000 (192usd) after that. This includes a lunch buffet each day.
    • Spots are limited. Book now to save your place.
  8. What Should I Bring to the Training?
    • Common items to bring include comfortable clothing, a notebook, water bottle, any personal items you might need, and a soft sarong.
  9. What is the Cancellation and Refund Policy?
    • Payment is non-refundable, and non-transferable.
  10. Are There Any Follow-Up or Advanced Training Opportunities?
    • Level 2 will be available to participants who have completed level 1 or show proficiency in the art of Tantric massage from prior trainings.
  11. How Do I Register or Contact for More Information?


Working with Eric was a deeply important and healing experience for me. 

 With Eric’s support, space holding and technique, I was able to let go of my fear and experience that release. Throughout the process, he was communicative, respectful of my boundaries, slow, and reminded me of my inherit worth in receiving this pleasure, which was so incredibly supportive for me. He also was great in providing space for my partner to be of support to me during the experience, which I needed.


Eric has an innate ability to put his ego aside, and make room for whatever needs to unfold, to unfold. I feel so lucky and still in utter shock at my bodies natural power, and grateful to Eric for allowing me to feel safe enough to experience that. I give him the HIGHEST review and if you’d like to talk more about the experience I had, please feel free to email me at I’d love to genuinely share with you about how meaningful it was.

John (anon)

I am still high from the awesome smorgasbord of sweet delights you curated and created the safe space for us to experience in full immersio. And still integrating the rich & manifold lessons which I've already found life transforming.


As a Tantrika for over 24 years now, I am so grateful for your work and devotion to the highest embodied healing and cosmic consciousness. 


As a facilitator myself, I find myself always going into a space holder role, but with you, I am so grateful that you are able to hold the space so that I can fully drop into receiving. It's hard to find people with that gift. Thank you. 

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Online Education

Can't make it to the in-person training?

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