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Cunnilingus Mastery:
29 Ways to Lick Pussy

4-week live interactive online training

Starts May 14th!

cunnilingus online course. how to lick a girls pussy. sucking. how to pleasure a woman. how to give oral pleasure to women. how to make her cum. orgasm

All genders welcome 🏳️‍🌈

Are you ready to become their 

What's included

Don't wait, the journey begins in:






A 4-week course to Master your tongue, mind, and licking-confidence. 

29 videos of licking techniques that have been pre-recorded with a beautiful model.

Expert advice from someone who's practiced with over 425 women. 

4 x one-hour live interactive sessions to
answer your questions, explain/practice techniques in depth, and share some laughs.

Peer-to-peer support
in a community group for all participants.


A Cunnilinguist Certificate 

Access to discounted online trainings 

Bragging rights to all your friends.

The right to say
"Hey, you know that there are 29 ways to lick pussy? and I learned them ALL.


Cunnilingus Mastery
Will help you 

Increase your 
technical Knowledge 

Learn with like-minded people 

Boost your 

Deepen your

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We are going to have LOADS of fun learning how to create IMMENCE amounts of PLEASURE! 

Spots are HOT, get yours NOW!

What is Cunnilingus Mastery?

In the sea of self-help resources—books, videos, podcasts—it's easy to find inspiration. Yet, true TRANSFORMATION demands more: a mastery of self, a deep understanding of applied technique, and a supportive community to hold you accountable.


That's where this program excels.

Whether you are a complete beginner, just want to gain a few more tips, or simply a person committed to EXCELLENCE, CM is your arena. Here, you optimize your understanding, nurture fulfilling relationships, align your sexual life with powerful knowledge, and pave the path to sustained ORGASMIC SUCCESS.

The Power of Group Learning

During CM, you learn alongside others who share your aspirations and desires. This is not just about individual success; it's about elevating each other, and learning dynamically within a community. Each member's progress amplifies your own, turning group learning into a powerful catalyst for PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION.

Why do the work?

You can choose to go through life mediocre, or you can decide to embody EXCELLENCE. Every lesson is a step towards mastering your environment. Every bit of knowledge is a step towards a better self, more confidence, and a profound understanding of bodily pleasure

Transform the inspiration into action, where you don’t just meet your goals—you exceed them, together.

Program schedule

Tuesdays at 7pm (GMT+2) 

May 14

May 21

May 28

June 4

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ONLINE Live interactive video call: 
So you can be all comfy at home on your couch, in your bed, at your standing desk, or wherever is good FOR YOU! Choose to show your camera or not.

An Astrological time to start

​On May 14th, 2024, the Sun enters Taurus, providing a stable and grounded energy that could be beneficial for starting new educational endeavors​ (GaneshaSpeaks)​. Additionally, Mercury enters Taurus on the 15th, just a day after, which is good for communication and learning, enhancing your ability to process and absorb information​ (WeMystic)​.

Given these transitions, May 14th seems to be a perfect day to begin something structured like an online course, especially if it requires concentration and steadfastness.







The online course at your own pace.


29 videos of licking techniques that have been pre-recorded with a beautiful model.

Released 7 videos per week for 4 weeks. 

Not included:


The benefits of joining the 4 x one-hour live interactive sessions to answer your questions, explain/practice techniques in depth, and share some laughs.




A 4-week course to Master your tongue, mind, and licking-confidence. ​

29 videos of licking techniques that have been pre-recorded with a beautiful model.

Expert advice from someone who's practiced with over 425 women. 

4 x one-hour live interactive sessions to answer your questions, explain/practice techniques in depth, and share some laughs.

Peer-to-peer support in a community group for all participants.


(that's only  €33/week)

We're so confident in this product that there's a money back guarantee AND the option to send us more money if you feel it's brought you more value! 

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Everything from "Delicious Master" 



A 30-minute Personalized Mastery Session - To put you at the VERY TOP! (valued at around €120)

Selection of one of my other Online courses: Tantric Massage (value €155), Sensual Spanking (value €169), or Showergasms for Men (value €39.

Exclusive privilege of privately texting directly Tantric Eric with your questions during the month.* For example, when you're on a date and you want some added advice. 


(You gain the retail value of  €408)

* Limited to a reasonable amount of texts, and must pertain to the course.


Online Education

Can't make it to an in-person training?

Click the images for more info.

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